The dim light at the awakening focuses on a few objects unveiling their meaning by chance. Like unfinished in their primitive purposes, the spirit of Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley glows out of the inspired jewels, their forgotten power showing under the aged patina. The pirate skull surveys the disclosure of a new enchanted treasure where metallic glances gleam through dust and dark shadows, memories of past splendours. Gems twinkle embedded in the matte silver, oxidized, yet their seductive shape unspoiled. Tainted bold Chains, aged by use, softly encircle the fingers, while heavy Cuffs drape on the backhand. Fancier carved Rings are overlaid with glossy leaves and sparkling stones, matches for ancient hooked Earrings. Silver nets snag gem-ridden skulls in entangled Necklaces. And flashing Swords, suspended on the chests or hanging from an ear, become dangerously sensual. In this dazed mood the research moves down the cliff, toward the shore, where further traces of the abandoned treasure surface from the sand, dusty and still precious, a sea star showing the way for the line to cross, the border with the unknown, a mysterious world that will lead the adventure to new enchanted discoveries.
The Forgotten Treasure
Maecenas pharetra justo velit, vel feugiat justo consequat feugiat. Sed fringilla rhoncus lacus vitae faucibus. In semper sollicitudin elit laoreet molestie. Mauris viverra euismod cursus. Fusce luctus, tellus eu condimentum cursus, magna nibh blandit libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
Under the Sea
Laoreet molestie. Mauris viverra euismod cursus. Fusce luctus, tellus eu condimentum cursus, magna nibh blandit libero, vitae suscipit tortor libero non quam. Nunc in sem sit amet ipsum eleifend dapibus. In tincidunt felis ut elit ultricies luctus. Quisque vitae aliquam est. Nulla cursus ante et diam tincidunt ullamcorper. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer iaculis eros diam, ut tristique nibh finibus non. Mauris nec est risus. In metus urna, dapibus in nibh vel, fermentum dictum felis.
A Nowhere Anchorage

Maecenas pharetra justo velit, vel feugiat justo consequat feugiat. Sed fringilla rhoncus lacus vitae faucibus. In semper sollicitudin elit laoreet molestie. Mauris viverra euismod cursus. Fusce luctus, tellus eu condimentum cursus, magna nibh blandit libero, vitae suscipit tortor libero non quam. Nunc in sem sit amet ipsum eleifend dapibus. In tincidunt felis ut elit ultricies luctus. Quisque vitae aliquam est. Nulla cursus ante et diam tincidunt ullamcorper. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer iaculis eros diam, ut tristique nibh finibus non. Mauris nec est risus. In metus urna, dapibus in nibh vel, fermentum dictum felis.
Close to the Shore

Enim expedita ea dolorum et nam assumenda, alias, harum, repudiandae eligendi illum quaerat debitis nobis. Vitae fuga eaque necessitatibus facilis quis, dolore, asperiores eveniet libero totam explicabo, reiciendis porro nesciunt molestiae amet. Beatae eius alias, placeat sint voluptates commodi ullam autem sed quae labore eum, mollitia aspernatur, quod nihil magni distinctio nesciunt maxime amet velit fugiat illum et blanditiis dolorem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
Into The Forest

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Enim expedita ea dolorum et nam assumenda, alias, harum, repudiandae eligendi illum quaerat debitis nobis. Vitae fuga eaque necessitatibus facilis quis, dolore, asperiores eveniet libero totam explicabo, reiciendis porro nesciunt molestiae amet. Beatae eius alias, placeat sint voluptates commodi ullam autem sed quae labore eum, mollitia aspernatur, quod nihil magni distinctio nesciunt maxime amet velit fugiat illum et blanditiis dolorem.
The Sunken Trunk

Stepping out of the water, the darkness of the night is dazzling. Sensing a silent presence, its contour takes shape with a natural pace, the eyes adjusting to the new circumstances. It’s an owl, the guardian of the island, regally overlooking the new find, blessing them all. All around enormous gems, faceted and sparkling, set in the detailed textures generated by the disquieting presence. Once again realism fades into figurative imagination crowding shapes by feathers and grip surfaces resembling the bird’s claw. Prongs are now beaks holding tight the blue topazes like drops from the sea. Deep onyx eyes stare at the discover of a new treasure where memories of ancient passages remain, scents of proud pirates, admirals and conquerors, bringing with them an exotic feel. Dramatic Rings match impressive Bracelets, organic casts assembling together in textured ornaments. The emotional impact is dizzying and the instance requires the adjusting to the new condition, wondering around, simply indulging.
The Night Guardian

Sed fringilla rhoncus lacus vitae faucibus. In semper sollicitudin elit laoreet molestie. Mauris viverra euismod cursus. Fusce luctus, tellus eu condimentum cursus, magna nibh blandit libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maecenas pharetra justo velit, vel feugiat justo consequat feugiat.
The Oracle

Octopus findings quis, dolore, asperiores eveniet libero totam explicabo, reiciendis porro nesciunt molestiae amet. Beatae eius alias, placeat sint voluptates commodi ullam autem sed quae labore eum, mollitia aspernatur, quod nihil magni distinctio nesciunt maxime amet velit fugiat illum et blanditiis.
The Octopus